Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Week 9 =D

Hey Guys...

This is week 9's posting that I found on Language, Literature and Desire group two. Yes, our old one. Paul forgot that we are now 2.5. Anyways, here are the questions [ We might as well do them, even though we are in week 11 and if we want to get A's (*wink wink*).

1. How is the Romantic construction of the Sublime reflected in the ideological, conceptual and linguistic construction of the texts under consideration in this Romanticism reader?

- You can look here at Blake's Songs, Shelley's Ode to the West Wind, Byron's Manfred and Frankenstein.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Willaim Blake - The Tyger

Hi All,

Just wanna share this with you guys, hope you like it ^_^


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Weeks 7-8

1. As a group discuss one sonnet other than the two Shakespeare one we looked at and decide what the central conceit is and how it develops...

2. Why are Blakes' poems reproduced in the reader divided into poems of 'Innocence' and 'Experience'?

3. Can you find some colour plates of the poems to upload?

4. How do the images and text work together in the examples we are looking at?

5. How is Blake considered in the history of English literature, and why?

6. Can you discover more popular cultural references to Blake?

7. Analyse one poem by Blake according to the schema I introduce in class week 7-8.

8. What was the impact of Rousseau’s revolutionary idealism on

9. How does Rousseau’s assertion of women’s equality read to a modern audience?

10. What really happened at Villa Diodatti??


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Week 4 (wk 3 reading)

1. What is a fabula, and in what sense is 'the loathly lady' theme one? (you can google this one...)
2. What does Carter (2003) have to say about Chaucer's 'feminism'? In what sense is the Wyfe of Bath's Tale and in what is it not 'feminist'?
3. What according to Hahn (1995) are some critical issues around The Wedding of Sir Gawain...?
4. What does Hahn identify as its Celtic influences?
5. How do each of the three versions I've given you differ, especially in relation to the choice the knight/king must make?
Happy Blogging :-D